Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Craigslist: 2 - Newspaper: 0

We officially sold Dave's grand prix today. We listed it on Craigslist.com Sun night around 11pm and had a buyer by Mon at 5pm and they were ready the buy the car last night. But due to a small title signing error, we couldn't actually make it official until this afternoon. But by 3 today we walked away less one car, plus lots of cash. And we even made a profit! Way to go Craigslist. Way to be free to list an ad! This is now the 2nd vehicle we've sold on craigslist and they've both sold in 24 hours with no hassles.

Hence, Craigslist: 2 / Newspaper: 0

1 comment:

Tara Werner said...

AWESOME! Craigslist has done well for me, too. You made money on the car did you? Not many people can say that!!!! GOOD WORK!